First encountered: Whilst looking for places to swim on Boxing Day I came across this: where they thoughtfully provide information about places you can swim outdoors, and a list of different words for cold. This was my favourite.
How it's used: On the whole, it isn't.
How you might use it: he thought he was being funny, but he could tell by her heimal stare that she thought he was an idiot.
the heimal wind whistled along the beach, grey waves and greyer sea un-inviting to the assembled Christmas swimmers.
Where it came from: It sounds German to me, but isn't. Apparently, once again from a Latin root.
Today's heimal sea: Web-cam courtesy of the Sun-set cafe at Gwithian.
A heimal stare |
Just checked out the website - fascinating. Makes me want to frolick in the heimal waters of the Mother Country. Road trip sometime?